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Massage & Stretch"The 3 S's" ~ Stretch... Strengthen... Supple!
Initial lift approach before extending towards the ground Full Extension of the Shoulder! Lengthen B-4 U Strengthen! | ||||||
Bio-mechanics & MovementYou can have Movement With & Without Good Bio-mechanics! A balanced horse can maintain good muscle tone just by living their day-to-day routine...Make every step count! Poor Bio-mechanics + Movement = FATIGUE WEAKNESS Good Bio-mechanics + Movement = STRENGTH! | ||||||
Importance of Hoof BalanceNo Hoof ~ No Horse! Although the major areas of locomotion are in the musculoskeletal system of the horse. One of the leading causes of lameness is an imbalancement of the hoof.
This Hoof is NOT BALANCED!
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Poll Flexion
When the nose reaches the center of the chest raise the treat upward. This strengthens the Trapezius Muscle! From the center of chest move treat across between each point of shoulder. This supples the poll! Softening into the bridle, Starts at the poll! | ||||||
Nose to Barrel/Hip
The use of a treat helps you to position the horses head correctly. You want the head/cheek to mirror the body! If your horse can't reach these points give it time. If your horse seems very quick to bite the treat and return to center again there may be tightness or soreness. Try not to go as far and ask the horse to hold where they are comfortable. | ||||||
Nose to Elbow~Knee~Fetlock
Use your leg as a guide Using the treat, ask the horse to hold the stretch a few seconds before releasing. Watch that the horse doesn't buckle or bend at the knee; as that would be cheating!! The opposite side of the horses cheek should be lateral & parallel to the limb for maximum benefit! | ||||||
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Hind-Limb Extension
Hind-Limb Extension is a great Stretch for the Quadriceps muscle. This stretch will help to open the hip angle Thus enhancing your horses Suspension! | ||||||
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Cat BackThe Catback is a Stretch for the Low Back & Pelvis! It also Strengthens the Psoas & Abdominal Muscles! Lumbar Stretch & Abdominal Strength All~in~One! | ||||||
Strengthening Program
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So even if your horse isn't lame, adding these stretches & exercises into your routine can greatly enhance your horses future. These preventive measures can help keep your horse in the game & out of retirement! Or Help to rehab your horse from a previous injury! |